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Aria (Aka: Mojo)

🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ • she/her

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This is a list of some of my projects that I've worked on over the years.

Not all of them are complete or expansive but with each project I've grown as a developer.

I have worked in these languages:


Date: 26th July 2021

Rust, Discord, Bot, Redis, Docker, Python

Open-FBT is an open sourced public variant of the FBTHeaven discord bot, a bot I created to help moderate discord communities. This bot is in 419 servers as of the 29th December 2024 and has processed over 36,000 user commands since July 31 2022.

In 2021 I was approached by a friend who runs a VRChat dance club to help work on their Discord bot, this was originally written in Python using which eventually got dropped by the developer so we had to migrate to nextcord.

After a year of building the bot, and dealing with the strange performance characteristics of nextcord, in July 2022 I decided to start rewriting the bot in Rust to make use of the increased performance and portability that the new language afforded. I also moved to using Redis as the database of choice instead of SQLite for much faster access to our thousands of DB entries.

After a few hundred commits and a couple years of work I decided to fork my own code to strip out any confidential info and release an open variant to the world as a final send off to the longest running project I have worked on.


Date: 4th August 2021

Python, Golang, Discord, CLI

This was an additional tool made to be used with Open-FBT's predecessor. It takes exported csv files from DiscordChatExporter and extracts the UserIDs within. This was made to log users found within discord servers centered around VRChat piracy and trolling to then bar them from entry of any server that both used Open-FBT's predecessor and opted in to this functionality. Originally written in Python this was another project I transferred to a new language, unlike the bot itself I decided to write this in Go for simplicity.

Mojo's Kitchen Chaos(Course work)

Date: 23rd Febuary 2023

Unity, C#, GameDev, Course

Source code

In order to learn more about working in Unity I followed this course from Code Monkey on YouTube.

Godot Micro Games(Course work)

Date: 23rd Febuary 2023

Godot, GDScript, GameDev, Course

These are some small games made while following's Godot 2D and 3D courses.

Rust 3x+1

Date: 5th March 2022

Rust, Math, CLI

I found myself watching a Veritasium video about the Collatz Conjecture, more simply known as 3x+1, and I found myself drawn to it for a time.

I was looking for a small project to work on and figured I'd try my hand at writing my own tool to brute force the Conjecture to find another looping sequence. I never found one sadly but the project was a great learning exercise during my early days of Rust development.


Date: 14th July 2022

Rust, Redis, CLI

I had a really silly Idea while working on the bot behind Open-FBT, what if I used a Redis database to store files? well the answer if a pretty fast but inefficient RAM based file storage server.


Date: 8th January 2023

Rust, Hashing, CLI

verify-rs is a simple cli tool for printing out several kinds of hashes from an input file. I just needed a simple tool to do this so I decided to write my own. It supports sha1, sha256, sha512, sha3_256, sha3_512, sha3_224, sha3_384, blake2s256, blake2b512 and blake3.

Another ssimulacra2 cli(as2c)

Date: 23rd October 2023

Rust, CLI

as2c was a fork of the initial release of ssimulacra2_bin I made to add "video" support.

This was accomplished by having the user export both the Source and Distorted videos as image sequences into separate folders and then comparing files with matching names. Since the ssimulacra2 calculation is single threaded I added the ability to run the calculations across multiple threads when working in "video mode".
Another addition I made was allowing the user to specify the colour space and colour transfer of the images, in the initial implementation of the tool it defaulted to SRGB BT709.


Date: 4th Febuary 2022

Golang, Twitter, Bot

AI-Gopher is a bot that automatically posted a tweet generated by ChatGPT3. Honestly nothing great or useful but it was at least a good opportunity to learn more about Go and interacting with some APIs and OAuth 1.0.

This project was technically against the Twitter TOS at the time but I didn't know that, oops!